Archive for the Cheets Category

new cheat!

Posted in Cheets, Stuff you need to know on September 1, 2008 by ev23
  1. Log onto Club Penguin.
  2. Go to the Night Club.
  3. Go up to DJ3K and click Yes to play it.
  4. Press the Tab button until the yellow box appears around the “X” button.
  5. Rapidly press the Enter button. You can earn 10,000 coins in 20 seconds
  6. I’m not responsible for any bans.
  7. I got rich last night from it


Party and DJK3 is out!!!!!

Posted in ©opyright, Cheets, pics, Stuff you need to know on July 25, 2008 by ev23

Hey guys the partys awsome. i will post pics of the diffrent pics.NO stats

click to enlarge

There’s 1 new room, but you must be a member to view it. Go to the Snow Forts, buy a Backstage Pass from the Booth. Then go to the Dock and click the ‘V.I.P. Only’ sign.

1 more day and me buddying

Posted in Blogroll, C.P.S.C., Cheets, Funny, Hacks, Mission guides, pics, Stuff you need to know, Uncategorized on July 25, 2008 by ev23

hey guys. ev23.only 1 more day till the new DJ game (at the nightclub).I can’t wait.

its sad that the clubpenguin improvment project shut down.

I may make a video. that means i need people to go in it

i will start a thing of whoever sees me can go on my buddy list so go on toboggan server(last page) at 10:00 amEST .turn black or dark green so i can see you. i will be me at the pizza place.

Come to the pizza parlor on toboggan server at10:00 am ESTAnd be black or dark green


Return of the Wizard Hat, Anvil Pin, and Secrets

Posted in Cheets, Hacks, pics, Stuff you need to know on May 25, 2008 by ev23

click to inlargeclick to inlargethe free Wizard Hat is available at the Lighthouse


The Anvil pin is in the Boiler Room. Point your cursor at the Pot for the Anvil Maker to start making the pin

click to inlarge


easter egg hunt

Posted in Cheets, Stuff you need to know on March 25, 2008 by ev23

Here is how to find all the eggs in the Easter Egg Hunt. The first Easter egg is on the Lantern in the Mines. Click on it to get it.


The second Easter Egg is at the Dock on a post.


The third Easter Egg can be found by clicking the Red Puffle at the Pet Shop.


The fourth Easter Egg is at the Book Room. Click the green plant at the top of the shelf.


The fifth Easter Egg is at the Gift Shop. Click the poster.


The sixth Easter Egg is at the Plaza. Click the Lantern between the Pet Shop and the Stage.


The seventh Easter Egg is at the Attic. Point your cursor to open the box, the egg will pop out.


The eighth Easter Egg is in the Dojo. It disappears and reappears at different spots on the wall. This is my favorite egg because it’s a ninja! Click it before it disappears again.


Click the egg in the upper right corner and select claim prize.


You get Green Bunny Ears! Happy Easter!


Posted in Cheets, Hacks on December 24, 2007 by ev23

I just found out a weird glitch.

what you do is first put on the santa hat. Then put on the boots for non-members.Then put on the santa beard. Then put on the tour guide hat. Then wave( hit W on the keyboard).

New Game

Posted in Cheets, Stuff you need to know on June 6, 2007 by ev23

Hi everyone,

The new game has finally been launched !: )
The game is in a hut in the cove and is called…
‘Catchin’ Waves’.

In the freestyle mode you can practise all the tricks and learn the basics of the game whereas the Competition mode you do all your tricks and the judges will give you a mark !:

To play the game all you have to do is move your mouse up or down to move your penguin and do tricks above the waves ) Also you can press W to wave, D to dance, A to do a handstand and S to lie down.

To gain coins you will need to do lots of tricks while balancing on the surfboard and without falling in to the sea
Also in the competition mode there will always be different judges who will always look for different things and tricks !:

Cheat on new game:
There is also a new cheat on the new game. Get your red puffle and walk it to the cove and play surfing and it’ll start surfing. This only works with the red puffle. Club Penguin picked the red puffle because if you bath the red puffle it will start surfing thats why they only picked the red puffle !:

Protected: Hello NEW GLITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in Cheets, Stuff you need to know on May 17, 2007 by ev23

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

Viking helmet

Posted in Cheets, pics, Stuff you need to know on May 5, 2007 by ev23


3) Astro Barrier Secret!

Posted in Cheets on March 18, 2007 by ev23

a. Go play Astro Barrier
b. At the Astro Barrier menu, press 1, 2, or 3 if you want to go to level 10, 20, or 30.