Archive for August, 2008

penguin games are here!

Posted in Uncategorized on August 24, 2008 by ev23

The Penguin Games have started! To start playing, click on the medal in the upper right.

The first race is the Marathon at the Ski Village. Start behind the starting line and wait for the countdown before you start racing. Then move along the track and STOP at every light and MAKE IT LIGHT UP.

If you miss one light, you’ll have to go back and get it or you won’t finish. The Marathon goes through several rooms: Ski Village>Beach>Dock>Town>Snow Forts>Plaza>Forest>Cove. Go past the finish line as far as i did to finish.

The next race is the Three Lap Race at the Iceberg. It is the same idea: you have to hit all the lights. Sometimes the lights might not work very well, but they do work. Remember, you have to around the track THREE TIMES.

The last race is the Freestyle Swim at the Underground Pool. You must swim FIVE lengths of the Pool (if it does not complete, try swimming SIX lengths). Make sure you make the 2 lights go off EACH time you hit the end of the Pool.

The event display should automatically open when you have finished all 3 events. When it does, select Claim Prize.

you now have the gold medal!

p.s. this is a picture of my penguin.

Party sneak peek

Posted in Uncategorized on August 20, 2008 by ev23

I cant wait for the party.Billy bob just put out pictures for the party.

here they are:

(copy and put into bar)
