Archive for March, 2008


Posted in Uncategorized on March 25, 2008 by ev23

a invitatoin for a party

new stuff

Posted in Uncategorized on March 25, 2008 by ev23

new poll( I did the switchbox)


A new furniture catalog came out today. The furniture catalog secrets are the same except you can’t get the Moosehead anymore by clicking the Cash Register.

Billybob released a CPIP wallpaper which you can get here. Notice how the penguin working hard is orange


easter egg hunt

Posted in Cheets, Stuff you need to know on March 25, 2008 by ev23

Here is how to find all the eggs in the Easter Egg Hunt. The first Easter egg is on the Lantern in the Mines. Click on it to get it.


The second Easter Egg is at the Dock on a post.


The third Easter Egg can be found by clicking the Red Puffle at the Pet Shop.


The fourth Easter Egg is at the Book Room. Click the green plant at the top of the shelf.


The fifth Easter Egg is at the Gift Shop. Click the poster.


The sixth Easter Egg is at the Plaza. Click the Lantern between the Pet Shop and the Stage.


The seventh Easter Egg is at the Attic. Point your cursor to open the box, the egg will pop out.


The eighth Easter Egg is in the Dojo. It disappears and reappears at different spots on the wall. This is my favorite egg because it’s a ninja! Click it before it disappears again.


Click the egg in the upper right corner and select claim prize.


You get Green Bunny Ears! Happy Easter!