Archive for June, 2007

Visit my other website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on June 19, 2007 by ev23



Posted in Funny, pics on June 6, 2007 by ev23


RainBow Puffle

Posted in Funny, pics on June 6, 2007 by ev23


Posted in Uncategorized on June 6, 2007 by ev23


Peolice force

Posted in Funny, pics on June 6, 2007 by ev23

New Game

Posted in Cheets, Stuff you need to know on June 6, 2007 by ev23

Hi everyone,

The new game has finally been launched !: )
The game is in a hut in the cove and is called…
‘Catchin’ Waves’.

In the freestyle mode you can practise all the tricks and learn the basics of the game whereas the Competition mode you do all your tricks and the judges will give you a mark !:

To play the game all you have to do is move your mouse up or down to move your penguin and do tricks above the waves ) Also you can press W to wave, D to dance, A to do a handstand and S to lie down.

To gain coins you will need to do lots of tricks while balancing on the surfboard and without falling in to the sea
Also in the competition mode there will always be different judges who will always look for different things and tricks !:

Cheat on new game:
There is also a new cheat on the new game. Get your red puffle and walk it to the cove and play surfing and it’ll start surfing. This only works with the red puffle. Club Penguin picked the red puffle because if you bath the red puffle it will start surfing thats why they only picked the red puffle !: