
Hello this is ev23.My penguins are Hi523,bessa,Bufffallen1,Bufffallen,Sporklord101,and mollyarts.

i go on clubpenguin EVERY day. If you see me on flippers or toboggan(my favorite servers)ask to be my buddy and i will accept you.It would be good if you talk to me first.Go like  yo Ev23.My penguin 9/10 will be bufffallen1.


16 Responses to “Bufffallen1”

  1. In today’s Newspaper it has given some news:
    On the St. Patricks Day party, The DJ Decks will be moved from the night club and the Penguin Band will be playing live
    Rockhopper and Bambadee were very suprised when Club Penguin published the ‘Message in a bottle’ into a book
    The featured game in this weeks newspaper is Jet Pack Adventure
    The Iceberg is in the Tip’s and Secrets.
    Rockhopper will leave tommorow
    Also new igloo flooring, Igloo Music Addition and a new pin will be out tommorow
    And finally on the March 23rd the puffle play will be expanded


  2. can you make me a member

    E-mail me @ ewtonkin@comcast.net your user and pass.

  3. Derrian Says:

    At the beach there is Rockhopper’s ship if u click on the bord u can go on it.If u go downstaires and click on yhe hat at the end u get yhe red bandana

  4. hec 242 Says:

    hi im famous i always go to mammoth

  5. i really need 2 know where is the pin plz

  6. make u a mem email me at pinkymichele@yahoo.com

  7. can u give me 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

  8. Can you make me a member with aut payng.??

  9. penguin20401731 Says:

    any one help me my penguin is banded for ever any one help!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. anonymous@yahoo.com Says:

    dont emailyour password and oenguin. ev will get you benned!! he is a hacker!!!!!

  11. oceanfighter Says:

    hello my name is Micah, my penguins name is
    oceanfighter and I am nine years old, you should
    know me from the cheats I gave you so I could
    be part of the C.P.S.C and I usually go to the
    servers iceburg, snowday, bubble gum, blizzard,
    and sometimes parka and christmas.

  12. i would love to get hold of these pics myself and add my own names to it could you help me make one..im a bit dumb n dont no how to do it lol but i jus want to add my own friend names to each penquin
    thanks kirsty

  13. hi my name is Sammy and i am a member on clubpenguin but
    i want a rainbow puffle badly and i cant get one.
    And i dont know if its reall or not so i want one and alot
    of people tell me its really coooool.
    And i also want a yellow puffle and a orange puffle
    if its real or not.
    And also on clubpenguin my name is Cooolgirl300
    so if you see me on clubpenguin let me know.

    See You Later

  14. if you go to the sports catalog and you click on the penguin and make the surf board flowery you click on the sea shell and you click after that on the starfish you get the silver surf board.

  15. can i be a member email me @ mauigirl2977@hotmail.com ur password and username plz plz plz pzl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i realy want t o acculy walk on walls

  16. Sillypink349 Says:

    WAz up?

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